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LocationHangZhou, ZheJiang



fsnotify is a Go library to provide cross-platform filesystem notifications on Windows, Linux, macOS, BSD, and illumos.


概括来说,fsnotify是一个Go语言的库,用于提供跨平台的文件系统通知。提供的文件系统变动事件包含:Rename, Create, Write, Remove, Chmod。


  1. 当一个监控目录下的文件(或目录,下同)被重命名时,fsnotify会产生Rename + Create两个事件,在linux系统上通常先触发Rename事件然后再触发Create事件,所以用户执行Rename产生的事件须开发者自行合并;
  2. fsnotify事件只包含当前发生事件的文件路径。因此在用户执行Rename时,须自行合并RenameCreate事件,以便获得Rename所需的src和dst文件路径;
  3. 用户须自行处理Rename事件被移出监控目录的情况。fsnotify只提供监控目录下的文件变动事件,因此当Rename操作的dst(目标文件)不在监控目录时不会触发后续的Create事件,因此其路径无法获知;
  4. fsnotify添加监控目录时,fsnotify并不会自动监控其子目录,须自行决定是否添加子目录的监控;
  5. 在服务器上用各种编辑器编辑文件时,在编辑过程中会产生许多临时文件,这些临时文件建议做过滤处理;


1、 合并Rename + Create事件,看下在服务器上执行rename mv a.txt c.txt命令产生的事件:

2024/02/03 18:35:49.090512 [D] gwatch - Get rename event, path=/tests/a.txt
2024/02/03 18:35:49.090600 [D] gwatch - rcChan receive data, type=rename, path=/tests/a.txt
2024/02/03 18:35:49.090650 [D] gwatch - Get create event, path=/tests/c.txt
2024/02/03 18:35:49.090664 [D] gwatch - rcChan receive data, type=create, path=/tests/c.txt
2024/02/03 18:35:49.090930 [D] gwatch - rename handle, fileType=file, src=/tests/a.txt, dst=/tests/c.txt
3 callback on rename /a.txt -> /c.txt file
由上面的log可以看出,当执行mv操作产生了rename+create事件,系统处理后最终执行的回调是3 callback on rename /a.txt -> /c.txt file


2、 编辑文件vi a.txt时,过滤不必要的临时文件产生的事件:

2024/02/03 18:44:07.867862 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swp
2024/02/03 18:44:07.867898 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swx
2024/02/03 18:44:07.867922 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swx
2024/02/03 18:44:07.867932 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swp
2024/02/03 18:44:07.868058 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swp
2024/02/03 18:44:07.868090 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swp
2024/02/03 18:44:09.025145 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swp
2024/02/03 18:44:11.033781 [D] gwatch - Get create event, path=/tests/a.txt
2024/02/03 18:44:11.033817 [D] gwatch - Get write event, path=/tests/a.txt
2024/02/03 18:44:11.033848 [D] gwatch - rcChan receive data, type=create, path=/tests/a.txt
2024/02/03 18:44:11.033874 [D] gwatch - Get write event, path=/tests/a.txt
2024/02/03 18:44:11.035107 [D] gwatch - create file handle, file=/tests/a.txt
6 callback on create file name: /a.txt hash: b426a48b8501c1d8
2024/02/03 18:44:11.067247 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swp
2024/02/03 18:44:11.068355 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/.a.txt.swp
由上面的log看到用vi编辑文件最终保存时,gwatch只触发了6 callback on create file name: /a.txt hash: b426a48b8501c1d8 这么一次回调事件


3、 从监控目录外拷贝一个文件到监控目录cp ../../readme.md ./

2024/02/03 18:49:46.104228 [D] gwatch - Get create event, path=/tests/readme.md
2024/02/03 18:49:46.104250 [D] gwatch - Get write event, path=/tests/readme.md
2024/02/03 18:49:46.104265 [D] gwatch - rcChan receive data, type=create, path=/tests/readme.md
2024/02/03 18:49:46.105479 [D] gwatch - create file handle, file=/tests/readme.md
9 callback on create file name: /readme.md hash: 8cfaaca233720be0
从上面的log可以看到,gwatch最终触发的回调是9 callback on create file name: /readme.md hash: 8cfaaca233720be0


4、 将文件移出监控目录mv a.txt ../

2024/02/03 18:58:22.641719 [D] gwatch - Get rename event, path=/tests/a.txt
2024/02/03 18:58:22.641752 [D] gwatch - rcChan receive data, type=rename, path=/tests/a.txt
2024/02/03 18:58:22 callback on remove: id=10, name=/a.txt, type=file
2024/02/03 18:58:22.643029 [D] gwatch - remove handle, fileType=file, path=/tests/a.txt
文件移出监控区后,fsnotify并不会提供后续的Create事件,因此对于监控系统来说,实际就是Remove事件。所以gwatch最终执行的回调是OnRemovecallback on remove: id=10, name=/a.txt, type=file


5、 看下执行综合操作产生的记录:

mkdir -p a/b/c
vi a/b/c/d.txt
rm -rf a


2024/02/03 19:05:40.349900 [D] gwatch - Get create event, path=/tests/a
2024/02/03 19:05:40.349929 [D] gwatch - rcChan receive data, type=create, path=/tests/a
2024/02/03 19:05:40.351141 [D] gwatch - create dir handle, dir=/tests/a
2024/02/03 19:05:40.351178 [I] gwatch - 开始添加监控目录, dir=/tests/a
2024/02/03 19:05:40.351591 [I] gwatch - 监控目录添加完成, dir=/tests/a, cost=406.804µs
19 callback on create dir /a
2024/02/03 19:05:48.743503 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swp
2024/02/03 19:05:48.743540 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swx
2024/02/03 19:05:48.743565 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swx
2024/02/03 19:05:48.743576 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swp
2024/02/03 19:05:48.743716 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swp
2024/02/03 19:05:48.743736 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swp
2024/02/03 19:05:49.511789 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swp
2024/02/03 19:05:51.767396 [D] gwatch - Get create event, path=/tests/a/b/c/d.txt
2024/02/03 19:05:51.767415 [D] gwatch - Get write event, path=/tests/a/b/c/d.txt
2024/02/03 19:05:51.767438 [D] gwatch - rcChan receive data, type=create, path=/tests/a/b/c/d.txt
2024/02/03 19:05:51.768643 [D] gwatch - create file handle, file=/tests/a/b/c/d.txt
20 callback on create file name: /a/b/c/d.txt hash: e151e288881a1e42
2024/02/03 19:05:51.794393 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swp
2024/02/03 19:05:51.795030 [D] gwatch - 文件在忽略规则中, file=/tests/a/b/c/.d.txt.swp
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384754 [D] gwatch - Get remove event, path=/tests/a/b/c/d.txt
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384781 [D] gwatch - Get remove event, path=/tests/a/b/c
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384802 [D] gwatch - Get remove event, path=/tests/a/b
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384814 [D] gwatch - Get remove event, path=/tests/a
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384872 [D] gwatch - remove handle, fileType=file, path=/tests/a/b/c/d.txt
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384880 [I] gwatch - 开始移除监控目录, dir=/tests/a/b/c
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384914 [I] gwatch - 移除监控目录操作完成, dir=/tests/a/b/c, cost=30.749µs
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384921 [D] gwatch - remove handle, fileType=directory, path=/tests/a/b/c
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384927 [I] gwatch - 开始移除监控目录, dir=/tests/a/b
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384948 [I] gwatch - 移除监控目录操作完成, dir=/tests/a/b, cost=20.161µs
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384954 [D] gwatch - remove handle, fileType=directory, path=/tests/a/b
2024/02/03 19:05:55.384960 [I] gwatch - 开始移除监控目录, dir=/tests/a
2024/02/03 19:05:55.385030 [I] gwatch - 移除监控目录操作完成, dir=/tests/a, cost=68.506µs
2024/02/03 19:05:55.385036 [D] gwatch - remove handle, fileType=directory, path=/tests/a
2024/02/03 19:05:55 callback on remove: id=21, name=/a/b/c/d.txt, type=file
2024/02/03 19:05:55 callback on remove: id=22, name=/a/b/c, type=directory
2024/02/03 19:05:55 callback on remove: id=23, name=/a/b, type=directory
2024/02/03 19:05:55 callback on remove: id=24, name=/a, type=directory
19 callback on create dir /a
20 callback on create file name: /a/b/c/d.txt hash: e151e288881a1e42
callback on remove: id=21, name=/a/b/c/d.txt, type=file
callback on remove: id=22, name=/a/b/c, type=directory
callback on remove: id=23, name=/a/b, type=directory
callback on remove: id=24, name=/a, type=directory


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